About Us

Dauphin-Wilson Industries

Dauphin Wilson Industries is at the forefront of strategic real estate investment in the booming Baltimore market and select exclusive neighborhoods along the East Coast.

Our mission is clear: to not only maximize returns for our investors but also to contribute meaningfully to the revitalization and growth of communities, with an emphasis on urban areas.

We meticulously identify prime properties with untapped potential, leveraging our deep understanding of market dynamics and trends. Through our strategic partnerships and extensive experience, we breathe new life into these properties, transforming them into sought-after assets that enhance their surrounding neighborhoods.

Key to our success is our collaboration with Fixer Smart Services, our sister company and full-service general contractor. With over four years of proven expertise, Fixer Smart Services, recently incorporated as a stand alone business entity, ensures that every aspect of our projects, from renovation to restoration, is executed with unparalleled craftsmanship and attention to detail.

At Dauphin Wilson Industries, we’re not just investors; we’re catalysts for positive change. By focusing on affluent neighborhoods and fostering sustainable growth, we’re not only shaping the future of real estate but also leaving a lasting impact on the communities we serve. Join us as we continue to redefine urban living and investment opportunities along the East Coast.

Dauphin-Wilson Industries

Who We Are